All-Moscow Seminar of Astrophysicists

The nearest seminar will be held:

at the conference-hall
of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute,
at 1400 on Friday, November 15, 1996
(3-nd seminar)


1. N.A.Gorynya, N.N.Samus' (INASAN, SAI) "Cepheids and Distance Scale in the Universe" (30 min.)
2. News (O.K.Sil'chenko, SAI) "A Double Core in Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4468B" (10 min.)
3. Discussion "X-ray Nova Sco 1994: ellipticity effect, blalck hole mass determination with a 10% accuracy, evolutionary status " (30 min.)

The secretary of the seminar - Dr. M.E.ProkhorovAccess free