All-Moscow Seminar of Astrophysicists
annotation of talk
Berezhnoi A.A., Bervalds E., Khavroshkin O.B., Ozolins
G., Shevchenko V.V., Tsyplakov V.V. (SAI; VIRAC;
Radio emission of the moon and meteoroid impacts
The direct impact of the American spacescraft
into the Moon occurred on July 31, 1999.
Such impact events may be accompanied
by radio emission of seismic origin.radiation.
We detected significant increasing
of lunar radio emission flux at 13 and 21 cm
within 9-12 hours of the Lunar Prospector impact.
Similar observations at the 32 m Ventspils radio telescope
were conducted at 25 mm during the Leonid 2000 meteor shower.
Remarcable quasiperiodic oscillations (3-10 K)
were detected.
Detection of lunar radio emission of seismic origin may lead to creation
of new informational channel for investigation
of seismic activity of the Moon and Mercury.