Program of UISS-97
Program of UISS-97
The scientific program of UISS-97 will include morning plenary talks,
seminars and workshops in the afternoon and educational lectures in the
Invited Lecturer
September 2, 1997.
9.00. Opening of the UISS-97.
Plenary Talks.
Chairman V.N.Melnikov

- V.N.Melnikov., V.D.Ivashchuk Multidimentional gravity and cosmology. P-branes.
H.-J.Schmidt. New conformal relations in fourth-order gravity.
M.Pavsic. Spacetime as an unconstrained membrane.
K.A.Kazakov, P.I.Pronin, K.V.Stepanyanzt.
On the gravity renormalization off shell.
A.I.Zhuk. Gravitation exitons from extra dimensions
13.30. Lunch.
15.00 -- 17.00 Workshops
Exact solutions in Multidimentional Cosmology.
Chair: V.D.Ivashchuk
- V.R.Gavrilov, V.D.Ivashchuk and V.N.Melnikov.
Generalized Emden-Fowler equation in d-demensional
2-factor spaces cosmological models.
M.A.Grebeniuk, V.D.Ivashchuk and V.N.Melnikov.
Integrable multidimensional cosmology for intersecting P-branes.
- V.D. Ivashchuk, V.N.Melnikov.
Multidimensional classical and quantum cosmology with intersecting P-branes.
- S.S.Kokarev. GR as multidimensional Hook's law.
- S.S.Kokarev. The models of an elastic universe.
- G.I.Shipov. On geometrical and phenomenological torsion in relativistics physics.
- G.I.Shipov. Theory of physical vacuum and its experemental consequences.
17.30 -- 19.30. Educational Lectures
- V.N.Lukash. Large Scale Structure formation in the Early Universe.
- A.Beesham. Cosmological model with viscousity.
- M.V.Sazhin. Cosmology of the Early Universe.(Public lecture at the Ulyanovsk State University)
19.30 Supper
September 3, 1997.
8.00. Breakfast
9.00. Plenary Talks
Chairman V.N.Lukash
- V.N.Lukash. Large Scale Structure of the Early Universe.
- A. Beesham. Generation of solutions in viscous cosmology.
- D.V.Gal'tsov. Black holes interiors.
- M.Rainer. Effective multi-scalar-tensor theories
and sigma-models from multidimensional gravity.
- M.V.Sazhin. Present conditions of a theory and observations on gravitational lensing.
- G.S.Bisnovatyi-Kogan. Application of Galerkin method
for description of gravitational collapse and black hole formation.
13.30 Lunch
15.00 -- 17.00 Workshops
Physics of the Early Universe.
Chair: A.A.Kirillov

- V.V.Bykov, A.A.Kirillov and G.V.Serebryakov.
On properties of the spatial distribution of matter
in the inhomogeneous mixmaster model of the early universe.
- V.G.Bagrov, V.V.Obukhov, K.E.Osetrin
Conformally-Staeckel metrics in the theory of gravity
- A. V. Toporenskii. Inflationary dynamics in the case k=1.
- S.V.Chervon, V.K.Shchigolev, V.M.Zhuravlev.
Early Universe filled by nonlinear scalar and chiral fields.
- V.K.Shchigolev, S.V.Chervon, V.M.Zhuravlev.
Inhomogeneous cosmological models with gauge fields.
17.30 -- 19.30 Educational Lectures
- Alvin J. Sanders.
Experimental test of the nature of gravity and the SEE project (video presentation is included).
- A.A.Starobinsky.
Transition from quantum to classical cosmology
20.00 Ò Welcome Party

September 4, 1997.
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Excursion over Ulyanovsk
13.30 Lunch in Ulyanovsk State University
14.00 -- 17.00 Walking along Volga river
19.30 Supper
September 5, 1997.
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Plenary Talks
Chairman A.A.Starobinsky

- A.A.Starobinsky. Stohastic spacetime structure during and after inflation.
- R.Schaeffer. Quantum fluctuations in curved space.
- S.V.Chervon. Chiral inflationary models: exact solutions and cosmological perturbations.
13.30 Lunch
15.00 -- 17.00 Workshops.
Large Scale Structure Formation. Topological Defects.
(Chair: M.Yu.Konstantinov)
- M.Yu.Konstantinov. Cousality in topologically nontrivial space-times.
- S.O.Alexeyev.
Gauss-Bonnet black holes in low energy string gravity.
- S.V.Chervon, V.K.Shchigolev, V.M.Zhuravlev.
Early Universe filled by nonlinear scalar and chiral fields.
- V.V.Uchaikin, G.G.Gusarov, D.A.Korobko.
Statistical properties of the fractal universe as a basis
for fractal cosmology.
- V.V.Uchaikin, D.A.Korobko.
Global Mass Density for Fractal Model of the Universe.
17.30 -- 19.30 Educational Lectures

- A.S.Sakharov. Basics of CosmoParticle Physics.
- Discussion
19.30 Supper
September 6, 1997.
Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology.
Chair: A.S.Sakharov.
- M.L.Fill`chenkov.
Wheeler-Dewitt equation in space dimension minisuperspace.
- S.V.Sushkov.
Particle creation near the chronology horizon.
- V.Ya.Vargashkin.
On application of observational data of beam's deviation
for modern cosmological theories testing.
(The theory of anomalous gravity as an example).
- V.Ya.Vargashkin.
Geisenberg uncertainty relation and fundamental (Plank's) values
as limiting characteristics of spining collapsing object.
- V. A. Belokurov. Polarization at microlensing.
- L.V.Grunskaya, A.B.Balakin, Z.G.Murzakhanov.
Natural elektromagnetic field of the Earth
of Extremely low - frequenlies and detecting
periodic gravitation radiation.
- V.M. Koryukin. Neutrinos and Early Universe.
GR and alternative theories.
(Chair: Yu.S.Vladimirov)

- Yu.S. Vladimirov, S.I. Mamontov.
A 6-dimensional geometric model of gravi-electroweak
- S.I. Mamontov.
Scalar effects in 6-dimensional model of gravi-electroweak
- V.G.Krechet, D.V.Sadovnikov.
Homogeneous isotropic cosmological models with scalar field in
affin-metric theory of gravity.
- V.G.Krechet, D.V.Sadovnikov.
Friedman cosmological models with scalar field
in affin-metric theory of gravity.
- S.V.Chervon, D.Yu.Shabalkin, V.M.Zhuravlev.
Properties of the effective nonlinear sigma model
of plane -- symmetric gravitation field.
17.30 -- 19.30 Educational Lectures
- Yu.Vladimirov. Physical foundations of geometry.
- A.Sanders. Precision Control and Measurement Issues in
the SEE (Satellite Energy Exchange) Satellite.
September 7, 1997.
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Participant departure
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