Figure: Velocity distribution of young pulsars calculated from
statistical modelling of evolution of 50,000 binary systems.
The "kick" velocity in supernova explosions is assumed to be
100 km/s.
Figure: Contours of equal density of energy-angular momentum
distribution . Units: energy in
angular momentum in
Figure: Lines of equal effective potential labelled
with the component of space velocity (in km/s) which does not contribute
to the
that a newborn neutron star at the galactic plane
should aquire to have this potential. Solid line is for the
star at a distance r=20 kpc, dashed line - for r=8.5 kpc.
Figure: Equal density contours for the calculated distribution
of old neutron stars (in arbitrary units).
Figure: Plot of (solid lines),
(long-dashed lines) and
(short-dashed lines) for the calculated
old neutron star space distribution versus limiting distance of
the sample
. Figures correspond to the distance of the
observer from the galactic center (in kiloparsecs).