SIMBAD database :

List of objects for reference code: 1966ApJ...144..840Z

1966ApJ...144..840Z: ZELDOVICH YA.B. and  GUSEYNOV  O.H.  
    Collapsed stars in binaries.

abstract from ADS when it exists.

Total number of objects found: 7

Currently displayed are the first identifier in SIMBAD and the object type.
By clicking on the [Dic CAT] anchor, you get the informations from the nomenclature dictionnary for the corresponding catalogue.
By clicking on the identifier itself , you get the basic data and all the identifiers from SIMBAD.

#1....HD 33232.....................Emission-line Star................[Dic HD] #2....HD 30353.....................Semi-regular pulsating Star.......[Dic HD] #3....HD 156014....................Semi-regular pulsating Star.......[Dic HD] #4....HD 187399....................Emission-line Star................[Dic HD] #5....HD 193298....................Star..............................[Dic HD] #6....HD 218658....................Spectrocopic binary...............[Dic HD] #7....HD 168339....................Spectrocopic binary...............[Dic HD]
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