Пример использования стиля ulem.sty

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{\large\bf Подчеркивание с переходом на другую строку.}

The galactic binary \emph{GW} noise \emph{will be modulated by the LISA orbital motion,
whereas the extragalactic one will not}. If the latter is comparable with
galactic values at some galactic latitudes, it can impede detection by LISA
of some interesting relic cosmological GW backgrounds,
and specific statistical features of the relic GW should be used to separate
them against the noise from astrophysical sources.

{\large\bf Различные стили подчеркивания.}

Просто \uline{подчеркивание (under-line)}.

Подчеркивание \uuline{двойной линией (double under-line)}.

Подчеркивание \uwave{волнистой линией (under-wave)}.

Перечеркивание текста \sout{линия сквозь текст (strike out)}.

Зачеркивание текста \xout{наклонными линиями (cross out, X out)}.
