( Cas, 3A 0053+604, BD+59
144, HD 5394, LS I +60o133, 2S 0053+604, 1H
0053+604, 4U 0054+60)
Cassiopeiae is one of the best known Be stars; it was the first
emission-line star discovered by Angelo Secchi in 1866, and it has
spectral classification of B0 IVe. Its visual magnitude varies
between about 3.0 and 1.6, although usually it stays around 2.5.
This object is one of the ROSAT bright sources and also was
detected by IRAS.
Cas has
long been known to be very variable in optics and it is also a
moderately strong X-ray source with a luminosity of the order of
1033 erg s-1 (Mason,
White & Sanford (1976); White
et al. (1982)). Such a luminosity would not be surprising
for X-ray emission from an early type star of spectral type O or B
- some active early type stars have a similar luminosity (Corcoran, Waldron, MacFarlane et al.
(1994); Koyama, Maeda, Tsuru et
al. 1994)). However, the hardness of the X-ray emission of
Cas is extraordinarily high in
comparison with usual X-ray emission from early type stars. If we
fit the spectrum with a thermal model the resultant temperature is
roughly 10 keV or more (Horaguchi,
Kogure, Hirata et al. 1994); Murakami
et al (1986)). It is not common for early type stars, and
resembles more spectra of X-ray pulsars and accreting white dwarf
binaries. There are currently two competing interpretations of the
nature of the observed X-ray emission: one is the accretion of the
wind from
Cas onto a white
dwarf companion and the other is that X-rays originate due to some
physical processes in the outer atmosphere of
Cas itself. Arguments for and
against these two hypotheses are best summarized in studies by Kubo et al. (1998) and Robinson & Smith (2000).
(V635 Cas, 1H 0115+635, 4U 0115+63, 3U 0115+63, 2E 0115.1+6328, H
0115+634, 4U 0115+634)
This source is one of the best studied Be/X-ray systems. This
transient was first reported in the Uhuru satellite survey (Giacconi, Murray, Gursky et al. (1972);
Forman, Jones, Cominsky et al. (1978)),
though a search in the Vela 5B data base revealed that the source
had already been observed by this satellite since 1969 (Whitlock, Roussel-Dupre &
Priedhorsky (1989)). X-ray outbursts have been observed from
4U 0115+63 by Uhuru (Forman, Tananbaum
& Jones (1976)), HEAO-1 (Wheaton,
Doty, Primini et al. (1979); Rose,
Marshall, Holt et al. (1979)), Ginga (Tamura, Tsunemi, Kitamoto et al. (1992)),
CGRO/Batse (Bildsten, Chakrabarty,
Chiu et al. (1997)), RXTE (Wilson,
Harmon & Finger (1999); Heindl
& Coburn (1999); Coburn,
Rotschild & Heindl (2000)) and reoccured with intervals
from one to several years. Precise positional determinations by
the SAS 3, Ariel V and HEAO-1 satellites (Cominsky, Clark, Li et al. (1978);
Johnston, Bradt, Doxsey et al. (1978))
were used to identify this system with a heavily reddened Be star
with a visual magnitude V = 15.5 (Johns,
Koski, Canizares & McClintock (1978); Hutchings & Crampton D (1981)).
Rappaport, Clark, Cominsky et al.
(1978) used SAS 3 timing observations to derive the orbital
parameters of this binary system. Due to the fast rotation of the
neutron star centrifugal inhibition of accretion prevents the
onset of X-ray emission unless the ram pressure of accreted
material reaches a relatively high value. Reig, Larionov, Negueruela et al.
(2006) have performed optical/IR photometric observations
and optical spectroscopic observations of 4U 0115+63 over ten
years. They have have focused on the Halpha line variability and
the long-term changes of the photometric magnitudes and colours
and investigated these changes in correlation with the X-ray
activity of the source. The optical and infrared emission is
characterised by cyclic changes with a period of ~ 5 years. X-ray
outbursts in 4U 0115+63 come in pairs, i.e., two in every cycle (Reig, Larionov, Negueruela et al.
(2006)). However, sometimes the second outburst is missing.
Their results can be explained within the framework of the
decretion disc model. The neutron star acts as the perturbing
body, truncating and distorting the disc. The first outburst would
occur before the disc is strongly perturbed. The second outburst
leads to the dispersal of the disc and marks the end of the
perturbed phase. Magnetic field of the neutron star is 1.3 ×
1012 G (Makishima, Mihara,
Nagase & Tanaka (1999)). Pulse fraction was obtained in
a model-dependent way in the range 20-50 keV (see Harmon et al. (2004) for details
and references). HEAO 1 observation of the pulsar 4U 0115+634,
during an outburst reported possible presence of QPOs at 62 mHz (Soong & Swank (1989)). Apart
from the 62 mHz QPO, another low frequency QPO at 2 mHz were
detected in RXTE observations of the pulsar during 1999
March-April outburst (Heindl,
Coburn,Gruber et al. (1999)). These QPOs were explained as
due to the obscuration of the neutron star by hot matter in the
accretion disk. The blobs of hot matter in the inner accretion
disk are understood to be because of the in-homogeneities caused
by the interactions of the neutron star magnetosphere and the
accretion disk. Dugair, Jaisawal,
Naik & Jaaffrey (2013) reported the detection of a ∼41
mHz QPO in the transient pulsar 4U 0115+634. These ∼41 mHz QPOs
were found to be variable in 27-46 mHz frequency range.
(IGR J01363+6610)
IGR J01363+6610 was discovered by INTEGRAL in 2004. The average
flux over 2.3 hours of observations was 17 mCrab in the 17-45 keV
band. Reig, Negueruela,
Papamastorakis et al. (2005) concluded that the optical
counterpart to IGR J01363+6610 is a B1V star, that is probably
identical with the catalogued emission line star [KW97] 6-30 (Kohoutek & Wehmeyer (1999)).
The presence of Balmer emission lines and the lack of radio
emission suggests that IGR J01363+6610 is a Be/X-ray binary. The
detection of the variable hard X-ray source XMMU J013549.5+661243
at the location of a Be star provides confirmation that IGR
J01363+6610 is a Be/X-ray binary (Tomsick,
Heinke, Halpern et al. (2011)).
(V831 Cas, 2S 0142+61, RX J0146.9+6121, LS I +61o235)
RX J0146.9+6121 is an accreting neutron star with a 25 min spin
period, the longest known period of any X-ray pulsar in a Be-star
system. This fact was realized (Mereghetti,
Stella & De Nile (1993)) only after the re-discovery of
this source in the ROSAT All Sky Survey and its identification
with the 11th magnitude Be star LS I +61o235 (Motch, Belloni, Buckley et al. (1991)).
Indeed the 25 min periodicity had already been discovered with
EXOSAT (White, Mason, Giommi et al.
(1987)), but it was attributed to a nearby source 4U
0142+614. The optical star is probably a member of the open
cluster NGC 663 at a distance of about 2.5 kpc (Tapia, Costero, Echevarra & Roth
(1991)). For this distance, the 1-20 keV luminosity during
the EXOSAT detection in 1984 was ~1036 erg s-1
(Mereghetti, Stella & de Nile
(1993)). All the observations of RX J0146.9+6121 carried out
after its re-discovery yielded lower luminosities, of the order of
a few 1034 erg s-1, until an observation
with the Rossi XTE satellite showed that in July 1997 the flux
started to rise again (Haberl,
Angelini & Motch (1998)), though not up to the level of
the first EXOSAT observation. The V band light curve of LS I +61o235
three strong periodicities at 0.34 d, 0.67 d and 0.10 d (Sarty, Kiss, Huziak et al. (2008)).
interpretation by Sarty, Kiss,
Huziak et al. (2008), the 0.34 d period may be from
pulsation in the radial fundamental mode, the 0.68 d period is the
Be star spin period and the 0.10 d period is a higher order p-mode
pulsation. From archival RXTE ASM data Sarty, Kiss, Huziak et al. (2008)
found ¨super¨ X-ray outbursts roughly every 450 d. If
these super outbursts are caused by the alignment of the compact
star with the one-armed decretion disk enhancement, then the
orbital period is approximately 330d (Sarty, Kiss, Huziak et al. (2008)).
This orbital period agrees with the value expected from the Corbet
spin-orbit relation (Corbet (1986)).
(IGR J01583+6713)
This hard X-ray transient has been discovered by the IBIS/ISGRI
imager on board INTEGRAL in 2005 (Steiner,
Eckert, Mowlavi et al. (2005)). Kennea, Racusin, Burrows et al.
(2005) proposed an optical/IR candidate for this X-ray
transient based on its positional coincidence with a Swift XRT
source detection. Halpern &
Tyagi (2005) obtained a low-resolution optical spectrum of
this candidate. It reveals strong Hα and weak H emission
lines. Kaur, Paul, Kumar &
Sagar (2008) carried out a multiwavelength study on the
transient source IGR J01583+6713, identified the spectral type of
the companion star to be B2 IVe, and suggested a distance of ∼ 4
kpc. From the Swift observations, they also reported a possible
pulse period of ∼ 469 s, but the evidence of pulsation was only
marginal (Kaur, Paul, Kumar &
Sagar (2008)), requiring additional confirmation. Wang (2010) studied the temporal
profiles and spectral properties of IGR J01583+6713 around its
outburst on 2005. During the outburst, the mean X-ray luminosity
reached around 4 × 1035 erg s-1 in the
energy range of 20 – 100 keV. In addition, the electron resonant
cyclotron absorption lines were detected at ∼ 35 keV and possible
at ∼ 67 keV, implying that a magnetic neutron star of B ∼ 4
× 1012 G is located in IGR J01583+6713.
(V615 Cas, 2E 0236.6+6101, LS I +61o303, 1E
0236.6+6100, RX J0240.4+6112)
LS I +61o303 is a radio emitting X-ray binary which
exhibits radio outbursts every 26.5 d. The radio outburst peak and
the outburst phase are known to vary over a time scale of 4 yr (Gregory,
Xu, Backhouse & Reid (1989); Gregory
(1999)). LS I +61o303 consists of a massive B0Ve
star and a compact object orbiting the primary every 26.5 d.
According to radial velocity measurements of the absorption lines
of the primary (Casares, Ribas,
Paredes et al. (2005), Aragona,
McSwain, Grundstrom et al. (2009)), the orbit is elliptical
(e = 0.537±0.034), with periastron passage determined to
occur around phase φ = 0.275. The compact object interacts with
the Be circumstellar disk thereby sampling a wide range of
physical parameters and producing remarkable, periodic flaring
events each orbital cycle. Hutchings
& Crampton (1981) confirmed the radio period 26.5 d by
analysis of three-year observation of radial velocity. The 4 yr
modulation has been discovered on the basis of continued radio
(BQ Cam, EXO 0331+530, V 0332+53)
V 0332+53 was discovered in 1973 by the Vela 5B satellite during a
type II, i.e., a giant outburst (Terrell
& Priedhorsky (1984)). EXOSAT observed three outbursts
from V0332+53 between 1983 November and 1984 January. Two
properties of the system were discovered: the 4.4 s spin period
and a sudden decrease of luminosity at the end of ~1 month long
recurrent outbursts. The latter was interpreted as an onset of the
centrifugal barrier (Stella, White,
Davelaar et al. (1985); Stella,
White & Rosner (1986)). An upper limit of ~5 × 1033
erg s-1 to the source quiescent emission (1-15 keV)
was derived on that occasion with the EXOSAT Medium Energy
Detector. Doppler shifts in pulse arrivals indicate that the
pulsar is in orbit around a Be star with a period of 34.3 days and
eccentricity 0.3 (Stella, White,
Davelaar et al. (1985)). Observations during a subsequent
outburst with Ginga led to the discovery of a cyclotron line
feature corresponding to 3 × 1012 G magnetic
field (Makishima, Kawai, Koyama et al.
(1984)). BeppoSAX and Chandra observations allowed to study
this transient at the faintest flux levels thus far (Campana, Stella, Israel et al. (2002)).
Campana, Stella, Israel et al. (2002)
concluded that the quiescent emission of this X-ray transient
likely originates from accretion onto the magnetospheric boundary
of the neutron star in the propeller regime and/or from deep
crustal heating resulting from pycnonuclear reactions during the
outbursts. Recently, the source was observed by Integral Kreykenbohm, Mowlavi, Produit et al.
(2005). The authors confirm the existence of cyclotron
lines: the fundamental line at 24.9±0.1 keV, the first
harmonic at 50.5±0.1 keV as well as the second harmonic at
71.7±0.8 keV. Reig,
Martinez-Nunez & Reglero (2005) have investigated
the evolution of the X-ray colours of this high-mass X-ray pulsar
through the decay of a type II outburst. The aperiodic variability
consists of band-limited noise and two QPOs at 0.05 Hz and 0.22
(X Per, HD 24534, 3A 0352+309, 2E 0352.2+3054,
H 0352+309, 4U 0352+30, 4U 0352+309,
1H 0352+308, 2A 0352+309, H 0353+30, HD 24534,
3U 0352+30)
The X-ray source 4U 0352+309 is a persistent low luminosity
pulsar in a binary system with the Be star X Persei
(X Per). Its 837 s pulsation period was discovered with the
UHURU satellite (White, Mason, Sanford
& Murdin (1976); White,
Mason & Sanford (1977)), and is still one of the longest
periods of any known accreting pulsar (Bildsten,
Chakrabarty, Chiu et al. (1997), and references therein). X
Per is a bright and highly variable star with a visual magnitude
that ranges from ~6.1 to ~6.8 (Mook,
Boley, Foltz & Westpfahl (1974); Roche, Larionov, Tarasov et al. (1997)).
The spectral class has been estimated to be O9.5 III to
B0 V (Slettebak (1982); Fabregat, Reglero, Coe et al. (1992);
Lyubimkov, Rostopchin, Roche &
Tarasov (1997)). Based on spectroscopic parallax, distance
estimates range from 700±300 pc up to 1.3±0.4 kpc (Fabregat, Reglero, Coe et al. (1992);
Lyubimkov, Rostopchin, Roche &
Tarasov 1997); Roche, Larionov,
Tarasov et al. (1997); Telting,
Waters, Roche et al. (1998)). The X-ray luminosity varies on
long timescales (years) from ~3 × 1035 erg s-1 to ~5 × 1034 erg s-1 (for the assumed
distance 1.3 kpc (Roche, Coe,
Fabregat et al. (1993))). Delgado-Marti,
Levine, Pfahl & Rappaport (2001) have determined a
complete orbital ephemeris of the system using data from the Rossi
X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). Coburn,
Heindl, Gruber et al. (2001) have discovered a cyclotron
resonant scattering feature at 29 keV in the X-ray spectrum of
4U 0352+309 using observation taken with the RXTE. The
cyclotron resonant scattering feature energy implies a magnetic
field strength at the polar cap of 3.3 × 1012 G.
(RX J0440.9+4431, VES 826, LS V +44 17)
RX J0440.9+4431/BSD 24-491 was confirmed as an accreting Be/X-ray
system following the discovery of X-ray pulsations, with
barycentric pulse period of 202.5±0.5 s from RXTE
observations (Reig & Roche (1999)).
(V725 Tau, HD 245770, 1A 0535+26, 1H 0536+263, 3A 0535+262, BD+26
883, 4U 0538+26, 1A 0535+262, H 0535+262)
The transient A 0535+26 is one of the best studied Be/X-ray
binaries. This source was discovered in 1975 by Ariel 5 (Rosenberg, Eyles, Skinner &
Willmore (1975)) and showed a 104 s periodicity
indicating the presence of a highly magnetized neutron star. The
optical counterpart was later identified with the Be star
HDE 245770 (Li, Clark, Jernigan
& Rappaport (1979)) allowing the classification of the
source as a Be/X-ray binary. The pulsed fraction is 20% at 30-40
keV and increases significantly with energy, reaching 100% at 100
keV (Frontera, dal Fiume, Morelli
& Spada (1985)). Magnetic field of the neutron star is
4.3 × 1012 G (Makishima,
Mihara, Nagase & Tanaka (1999)).
(4U 0548+29, 1H 0556+286)
The X-ray source was detected by HEAO1. Probably earlier it was
observed by UHURU 4U 0548+29 (Wood,
Meekins, Yentis et al. (1984)). No detection was made after
that. A Be-star is known in this direction. HD 249179 was proposed
as possible optical counterpart of this X-ray source. It is late
type Be star. This argues against this source being Be+neutron
star binariy since all well established Be+NS systems have
spectral types earlier than B3. Torrejon
& Orr (2001) consider this system as almost certainly
not neutron star accreting Be/X-ray binary and that it is not
X-ray binary at all.
(IGR J06074+2205)
This transient X-ray source has been discovered with both JEM-X
telescopes on board INTEGRAL (Chenevez,
Budtz-Jorgensen, Lund et al. (2004)). Halpern
& Tyagi (2005) found a Be star that is a probable
optical counterpart of this transient X-ray source and has an
H-alpha emission line and diffuse interstellar absorption bands.
These typical spectral features of a Be/X-ray binary.
(SAX J0635+0533)
Discovered by BeppoSAX (Kaaret,
Piraino, Halpern & Eracleous (1999)). Ziolkowski (2002) gives the
spectral classification of the optical counterpart as B0.5 IIIe.
X-ray luminosity is (9 - 35) × 1033 erg s-1
(2-10 keV) for d = 2.5 - 5 kpc (Kaaret,
Piraino, Halpern & Eracleous (1999)). Bolometric
luminosity (0.1-40 keV) was estimated to be 1.2 × 1035
erg s-1 for d = 5kpc (Cusumano,
Nicastro et al. (2000)). Pulse fraction was obtained by
BeppoSAX (2-10 keV). The source can be identified with the
gamma-ray source 2EG J0635+0521. Low luminosity together with very
fast rotation propose that the neutron star has a low magnetic
field (see discussion in Cusumano,
Maccarone, Nicastro et al. (2000).
(MXB 0656-072, MXB 0656-07, XTE J0658-073)
This source was first classified as a transient source by Clark, Schmidt & Angel (1975)
when detected at 80 mCrab in 1975 by SAS-3. Subsequently Ariel V
observed the source at 50 and 70 mCrab in 1976 (Kaluzienski (1976)). During a
large, extended outburst in 2003, which lasted over 2 months and
reached an X-ray luminosity of 200 mCrab, it was identified as a
pulsating X-ray binary with a pulse period of 160.7 s (Morgan, Remillard & Swank (2003))
and with an optical counterpart of spectral type O9.7 Ve (Pakull, Motch & Negueruela (2003)).
parameters of the system remain undetermined. The pulsar shows a
spin-up of 0.45 s over the duration of the outburst (McBride, Wilms, Coe et al. (2006)). From optical
data, the source distance is estimated to be 3.9 ± 0.1 kpc.
The source spectrum shows a cyclotron resonance scattering feature
at 32.8 keV, corresponding to a magnetic field strength of 3.67
× 1012 G (McBride,
Wilms, Coe et al. (2006)).
The pulse profiles show the pulsed fraction increasing steadily
from 26% in the 2–5 keV band up to 40% in the 30–60 keV band (McBride, Wilms, Coe et al. (2006)).
(4U 0728-25, 3A 0726-260, V441 Pup, 1H 0726-259, LS 437)
Detected by many experiments (UHURU, HEAO1, Ariel 5, ROSAT, RXTE).
Pulse fraction was estimated as (Imax
- Imin)/(Imax+Imin) from the graph in paper by Corbet
& Peele (1997) (RXTE 2-20 keV). The spectral and
photometrical analysis of this source led Negueruela, Reig, Buckley et al.
(1996) to conclude that the primary is an O8-9Ve star.
(1H 0739-529)
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)).
(1H 0749-600)
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)). Situated in the open cluster NGC 2516
(Liu, van Paradijs & van den
Heuvel (2000)). HD 65663 was proposed as possible optical
counterpart of this X-ray source. It is late type Be star. This
argues against this source being Be+neutron star binariy since all
well established Be+NS systems have spectral types earlier than
B3. Torrejon
& Orr (2001) consider this system as almost certainly
not neutron star accreting Be/X-ray binary and that it is not
X-ray binary at all.
(RX J0812.4-3114, V572 Pup, LS 992)
RX J0812.4-3114 was discovered by Motch, Haberl, Dennerl et al. (1997)
during a search for high-mass X-ray binaries by cross-correlating
SIMBAD OB star catalogs with low Galactic latitude sources from
the ROSAT all-sky survey. Thus, this X-ray source has an
identified optical counterpart, the Be star LS 992, and so it
was suspected that this source belongs to the Be/X-ray binaries. Reig, Negueruela, Buckley et al.
(2001) classify it as B0.2 IVe. The X-ray light curve of LS
992/RX J0812.4-3114 is characterized by 31.88 second
pulsations, while the X-ray spectrum is best represented by an
absorbed power-law component with a exponentially cut-off (Reig & Roche (1999)). In
December 1997 the source made a transition from a quiescent state
to a flaring state (Corbet &
Peele (2000)), in which regular flares separated by 80 day
intervals were detected with the All-Sky Monitor (ASM) on-board
the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. Corbet
& Peele (2000) attributed the origin of these flares to
the periastron passage of the neutron star, hence this periodicity
was naturally associated with the orbital period. Corbet & Peele (2000) have
found strong evidence for the presence of a ~80 day period in the
ASM light curve of RX J0812.4-3114. By comparison with other
Be star X-ray binaries, the time of maximum flux is likely to
coincide with periastron passage of a neutron star. The orbital
period of ~80 days combined with the ~32 second pulse period is
consistent with the correlation between orbital and pulse period
that is found for the majority of Be/neutron star binaries (Corbet (1986)).
(GS 0834-430)
The hard X-ray transient GS 0834-430 was discovered by the
WATCH experiment on board GRANAT in 1990 at a flux level of about
1 Crab in the 5-15 keV energy band (see Wilson, Harmon, Scott et al. (1997)).
The source was later observed by GINGA (Makino (1990a); Makino (1990b)) and ROSAT as a
part of the All Sky Survey (Hasinger,
Pietsch & Belloni (1990)). The pulsations at a period of
12.3 s were observed during the GINGA, ROSAT and ART-P
observations (Makino (1990c); Aoki, Dotani, Ebisawa et al. (1992);
Hasinger, Pietsch & Belloni (1990);
Grebenev & Sunyaev (1991)). GS
0834-43 was also monitored by BATSE between April 1991 and July
1998. In particular, seven outbursts were observed from April 1991
till June 1993 with a peak and intra-outburst flux of about 300
mCrab and <10 mCrab, respectively (Wilson, Finger, Harmon & Scott
(1997)). The recurrence time of 105-115 days was interpreted
as the orbital period of the system. However, no further outbursts
have been observed since July 1993 either by CGRO/BATSE or by the
the All Sky Monitor on board RXTE. All these findings suggest that
GS 0834-43 is a new Be-star/X-ray binary system with an eccentric
orbit (Wilson, Finger, Harmon &
Scott (1997)). Based on both photometric and spectroscopic
findings Israel, Covino, Campana et
al. (2000) concluded that optical counterpart of this X-ray
pulsar is most likely a B0-2 V-IIIe star at a distance of 3-5 kpc.
Pulse fraction was obtained by BATSE (20-50 keV).
(GRO J1008-57 )
Discovered by BATSE in 1993. Pulse fraction 60%
was obtained by ROSAT (0.1-2.4 keV) (Harmon,
Fishman et al. (2004)). High-energy data (BATSE: 20-70 keV)
gives nearly the same value about 67% (Harmon,
Wilson, Fishman et al. (2004)). Orbital period is uncertain.
An estimate of 247.5 days comes from the best fit of BATSE data (Negueruela & Okazaki 2001)).
Other (earlier) estimates were about 135 days (Liu, van Paradijs & van den
Heuvel (2000)). The counterpart is shown to be an OB star
with a strong infrared excess and Balmer emission lines,
suggesting a Be-type primary (Coe,
Roche, Everall et al. (1994)).
(3A 1036-565, 1A 1034-56)
Probably the same object as J1037.5-5647.
(LS 1698, RX J1037.5-5647)
Discovered by ROSAT in 1997. Probably the same source as
4U1036-56/3A1036-565. The source was observed in quiescence (Reig & Roche (1999)). Lmin
= 1.1 × 1034 erg s-1. Pulse
fraction was obtained by RXTE (3-20 keV).
(1A 1118-615, 1A 1118-616, WRAY 15-793, 2E 1118.7-6138)
The hard X-ray transient A 1118-615 was discovered serendipitously
in 1974 by the Ariel-5 satellite (Eyles,
Skinner, Wilmore & Rosenberg (1975)) during an
observation of Cen X-3 (4U 1119-603). The same series of
observations revealed pulsations with a period of
405.3±0.6 s (Ives, Sanford
& Bell-Burnell (1975)). However, in the initial
announcement of the discovery of the pulsations, they were wrongly
attributed to an orbital period, suggesting that A 1118-615
consisted of two compact objects (Ives,
Sanford & Bell-Burnell (1975)). This hard X-ray
transient underwent a major outburst only twice: in 1974, when it
was discovered by Ariel-5 satellite, and from December 1991 to
February 1992 (Bildsten, Chakrabarty,
Chiu et al. (1997)). The source was observed by Motch, Janot-Pacheco, Pakull &
Mouchet (1988) using the Einstein and EXOSAT observatories
in 1979 and 1985 respectively. On both occasions a weak signal was
detected confirming that low-level accretion was occurring. The
correct optical counterpart was identified as the Be star
He 3-640/Wray 793 by Chevalier
Ilovaisky (1975). The primary has been classified as
O9.5IV-Ve (Janot-Pacheco, Ilovaisky
& Chevalier (1981)), with strong Balmer emission lines
indicating the presence of an extended envelope. According to Villada, Giovannelli, & Polcaro
(1992), the exact classification is complicated by many
faint absorption and emission lines (mostly of Fe II), but
the overall spectrum is found to be similar to that of the optical
counterparts to other known Be/X-ray sources. The source was
observed by Coe & Payne (1985)
at UV wavelengths using the IUE satellite. They confirmed the
identification of the counterpart and reported prominent UV lines
characteristic of a Be star. Despite the large observational
efforts made during last years and mainly after the 1991-1992
outburst, the Hen3-640/1A 118-615 system is still poorly
understood. The orbital period of the system is unknown. Corbet's
pulse period/orbital period diagram (Corbet
1986)) gives an orbital period estimate of ~350 days.
(IGR J11305-6256)
This weak transient source IGR J11305−6256 was detected by
IBIS/ISGRI in May 2004 (Produit,
Ballet & Mowlavi (2004)). The only conspicuous
catalogued object within the INTEGRAL error box of IGR J11305−6256
is the emission-line star HD 100199, which has V = 8.23 and B − V
= +0.01 (Fernie (1983)). This
is classified as a blue giant of spectral type B0 IIIe (Garrison, Hiltner & Schild (1977)).
Its identification as an early-type emission-line star suggests HD
100199 as a strong candidate for IGR J11305−6256, by analogy with
other High-Mass X–ray Binaries (HMXBs).
(IGR J11435-6109)
Reported as a hard X-ray transient by Grebenev, Ubertini, Chenevez et al.
(2004). Evidence of the possible presence of 166 s
pulsations was reported by Swank
& Markwardt (2004) which was confirmed by BeppoSAX Wide
Field Camera observations by in ’t
Zand & Heise (2004). In
’t Zand & Heise (2004) also reported a possible 52.5 day
outburst recurrence period from detections in 1996-1997 and
2001-2002, but non-detection during the intervening period. This
outburst period was confirmed by Corbet
& Remillard (2005) from RXTE/ASM observations. An
initial suggestion that IGR J11435−6109 corresponds to 1RXS
J114358.1−610736 is apparently excluded by optical observations of
the optical counterpart of 1RXS J114358.1−61073 by Torrejon & Negueruela (2004)
who instead propose a Be star counterpart which is 1.2 arc minutes
away from 2E 1141.6−6050. The pulse profile is broad with a 2-6
keV pulsed fraction of roughly 50% (In
’t Zand & Heise (2004)). A deeper search of the error
circle using the method described in Negueruela
& Schurch (2007) detected a fainter candidate
emission-line object, namely 2MASS J11440030-6107364 = USNO-B1.0
0288-0337502, which has been confirmed as the correct counterpart
by a Chandra localisation (Tomsick,
Chaty, Rodriguez et al.
(V801 Cen, 2S 1145-61, 2S 1145-619, 2S 1145-62, LS 2502, 3U
1145-61, 4U 1145-62, 4U 1145-619, 4U 1145-61, 3A 1145-619, 2E
1145.5-6155, H 1147-62, H 1145-619)
Initially observed by UHURU (together with 1145.1-9141). Two
sources were distinguished by Einstein observatory (HEAO2). In the
paper by Liu, van Paradijs &
van den Heuvel (2000) the optical counterpart was classified
as B1 Vne. Pulse fraction was obtained by BATSE (20-50 keV).
(1H 1249-637, 2E 1239.8-6246, BZ Cru, HD 110432) - Cas-like object
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)). HD 110432 (B0.5 IIIe star) has been
proposed as a possible optical counterpart of this X-ray source (Codina, de Freitas Pacheco, Lopes & Gilra
(1984)). The unabsorbed X-ray luminosity of this
source during the pointed observation was 3.4 × 1032
erg s−1 (2-10 keV), assuming a distance of 301 pc (ESA (1997)) or 7 × 1032
erg s−1 (2-10 keV) assuming a distance of 430 pc (Codina, de Freitas Pacheco, Lopes & Gilra
(1984)). Torrejon
& Orr (2001) confirmed 1H 1249−637 as low luminosity
Be/X-ray binary. The spectrum can be well fitted by thermal
emission of a hot, optically thin, plasma (Torrejon
& Orr (2001)). Such an emission is more consistent with
system harbouring white dwarf instead of neutron star as the
compact object. Torrejon
& Orr (2001) have found an X-ray pulse period of ~1.42
× 104 s which would make this object the best
Be+WD candidate found to date. Even if this pulse period is not
confirmed, the spectrum is not the typical for a neutron star
binaries (Torrejon
& Orr (2001)). It is much closer to the spectra of
cataclysmic binaries. Torrejon
& Orr (2002) consider this X-ray source as very similar
to Cas in nearly all
(1H 1253-761)
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)). Probably a white dwarf accretor.
(1H 1255-567, µ2 Cru)
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)).
(GX 304-1, 4U 1258-61, V850 Cen, H 1258-613, 2S 1258-613, 3A
1258-613 )
Discovered by UHURU. In Ziolkowski
(2002) classified as B0.7Ve.
(1RXP J130159.6-635806, 2RXP J130159.6-635806)
This source was observed at different epochs with ASCA, BeppoSAX,
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL. The source shows coherent X-ray
pulsations at a period ~700 s (Chernyakova,
Rodriguez & Revnivtsev (2006)). A broad band (1-60 keV)
spectral analysis of 2RXP J130159.6-635806 based on almost
simultaneous XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL data demonstrates that the
source has a spectrum typical of an accretion powered X-ray pulsar
Rodriguez & Revnivtsev (2006)). The long term behaviour
of the source, its spectral and timing properties, tend to
indicate a high mass X-ray binary with Be companion. Chernyakova, Lutovinov, Rodriguez
& Revnivtsev (2006) report on the identification of the
likely infrared counterpart to 2RXP J130159.6-635806. They have
calculated the 2−10 keV pulse fraction in all the XMM-Newton
observations. It is interesting to note that the pulse fraction is
not constant and varies with time from ~10–25% to ~60% during the
(SAX J1324-6200)
The X-ray pulsar SAX J1324–6200 was serendipitously discovered in
1997 during an observation of the bright X-ray burster 4U 1323–619
(Angelini, Church, Parmar et al.
(1998)). Its X-ray spectrum, a highly absorbed power law
with photon index ~1, and its pulsations period of 171 s are
typical of accreting pulsars in binary systems. However, due to
the lack of an accurate position, an optical identification has not
been obtained to date. Meregetti,
Romano & Sidoli (2008) showed that this source most
likely belongs to the class of low-luminosity, persistent
Be/neutron star binaries.
(1WGA J1346.5-6255, HD 119682) - Cas-like object
The X-ray source 1WGA J1346.5−6255 is a ROSAT X-ray source found
within the radio lobes of the supernova remnant G309.2−00.6. This
source also appears to coincide with the bright and early-type
star HD 119682, which is in the middle of the galactic open
cluster NGC 5281. The radio morphology of the remnant, consisting
of two brightened and distorted arcs of emission on opposite sides
of the 1WGA J1346.5−6255 source and of a jet-like feature and
break in the shell, led to the suggestion that 1WGA
J1346.5−6255/G309.2−00.6 is a young analog of the microquasar SS
433 powering the W50 nebula. Safi-Harb,
Butt et al. (2006) studied this source at X-ray and optical
wavelengths (new Chandra observations of 1WGA J1346.5−6255,
archival XMM-Newton observations of G309.2−00.6, and optical
spectroscopic observations of HD 119682) in order to search for
X-ray jets from 1WGA J1346.5−6255. They studied its association
with the SNR, and tested for whether HD 119682 represents its
optical counterpart. They did not find evidence for jets from 1WGA
J1346.5−6255 and ruled out its association with G309.2−00.6, and
they confirmed that HD 119682 is its optical counterpart. Safi-Harb, Ribo, Butt et al. (2006)
derived a distance of 1.2±0.3 kpc, which is consistent with
the distance estimate to NGC 5281 (1.3±0.3 kpc), and much
smaller than the distance derived to the SNR G309.2−00.6. They
discuss the nature of the source, unveil that HD 119682 is a Be
star and suggest it is a new member of the recently proposed group
of -Cas analogs. They have
detected the X-ray periodicity of ∼1500 s that could be the
rotational period of an accreting neutron star or white dwarf in
this binary.
(2S 1417-624, 2S 1417-62, 4U 1416-62, 2E 1417.4-6228, 3A
1417-624, H 1417-624)
The X-ray source 2S 1417-62 was detected by SAS-3 in 1978 (Apparao, Naranan, Kelley et al.
(1980)). Analysis of the SAS 3 observations showed an
evidence of ~57 mHz pulsations (Kelley,
Apparao, Doxsey et al. (1981)). Einstein and optical
observations identified a Be star companion at a distance of
1.4-11.1 kpc (Grindlay, Petro &
McClintock (1984)). From the timing analysis of BATSE
observations orbital parameters were determined and a correlation
was found between spin-up rate and pulsed flux (Finger, Wilson & Chakrabarty
(1996)). Orbital period and eccentricity of the source were
found to be 42.12 days and 0.446 respectively.
(1SAX J1452.8-5949)
1SAX J1452.8-5949 was discovered during a BeppoSAX galactic plane
survey in 1999 (Oosterbroek,
Orlandini, Parmar et al. (1999)). Coherent pulsations were
detected with a barycentric period of a 437.4±1.4 s. The
X-ray properties and lack of an obvious optical counterpart are
consistent with a Be star companion at a distance of between
approximately 6 and 12 kpc. Pulse fraction is high. It was
determined in the BeppoSAX band 1.8-10 keV. Be/X-ray systems
display a correlation between their spin and orbital periods (Corbet (1986)) which in this case
implies an orbital period of >200 days for
1SAX J1452.8-5949.
(XTE J1543-568)
The transient X-ray source XTE J1543-568 was discovered by RXTE in
2000 (in't Zand, Corbet &
Marshall (2001)). A subsequent pointed PCA observation
revealed a pulsar with a period of 27.12±0.02 s. Later the
pulsar was found in earlier data from BATSE on board the Compton
Gamma-Ray Observatory. The orbital period is
75.56±0.25 d. The mass function and position in the pulse
period versus orbital period diagram are consistent with XTE
J1543-568 being a Be/X-ray binary. The eccentricity is less than
0.03, so it is among the lowest for twelve Be/X-ray binaries whose
orbits have now been well measured. This confirms the suspicion
that small kick velocities of neutron stars in HMXBs are more
common for these systems than it is generally expected for neutron
stars (in't Zand, Corbet &
Marshall (2001); Podsiadlowski,
Langer, Poelarends et al. (2004)). There is only a lower
limit for its distance. Optical component is unknown, so in't Zand, Corbet & Marshall
(2001) were able only to put limits V=21 for 10 kpc and V=23
for 26 kpc. The spectral class determination given by Ziolkowski (2002) is, probably, a
misprint (see also Okazaki &
Negueruela (2001)). Pulse fraction (RXTE) slightly depends
on energy (from 2 to 20 keV).
(IGR J15539-6142)
The X-ray source IGR J15539-6142 was discovered with INTEGRAL in
the Circinus region in an ultra-deep mosaic image (20-60 keV)
targeted at radio pulsar PSR B1509-58 (Keek, Kuiper & Hermsen (2006)).
Masetti, Bassani, Bazzano et al.
(2006) proposed HD 141689 (classified as B2/B3ne by Henize (1976)) as a possible
optical counterpart of this hard X-ray source.
(2S 1553-542, 2S 1553-54, H 1553-542)
The X-ray source 2S 1553-542 was discovered during observations
with SAS 3 in 1975 (Kelley,
Rappaport & Ayasli (1983)). Pulse fraction was
determined by SAS-3 (2-11 keV).
(1H 1555-552, LS 3417, RX J155422.2-551945, 2E 1550.3-5510, 1E
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)). The Be star HD 141926 has been
proposed as a possible optical counterpart of this X-ray source. Torrejon
& Orr (2001) have observed it in the 1.8–10 keV energy
range, using BeppoSAX. Their study has allowed them to confirm, for
the first time, its nature as a Be/X-ray emitting system, as was
suspected from early observations with the HEAO-1 experiment. Torrejon
& Orr (2001) confirmed 1H 1555-552 as low luminosity
Be/X-ray binary. The spectrum can be well fitted by thermal
emission of a hot, optically thin, plasma (Torrejon
& Orr (2001)).
(IGR J16207-5129)
This hard X–ray source was detected for the first time with
INTEGRAL (Bird, Barlow, Bassani et
al. (2004)), with a flux of 3.8±0.3 mCrab in the 20 –
40 keV band; only an upper limit of <4 mCrab was instead
obtained in the 40 – 100 keV band. An emission-line star, HD
146803, is the only remarkable catalogued object present inside
the INTEGRAL error box. This star shows Hα in emission (MacConnell (1981)) and is more
likely a late-type B star of luminosity class III (Masetti, Pretorius, Palazzi et al.
(2005)). The spectral characteristics of this star strongly
suggest it to be the optical counterpart of the hard X–ray source
detected by INTEGRAL. From the observed magnitudes of B = 10.41
and V = 10.45 Masetti, Pretorius,
Palazzi et al. (2005) obtained a distance of d ~ 1.9 kpc,
and a color excess of E (B − V ) = 0.07 along the HD 146803 line
of sight. This places HD 146803 in the Sagittarius arm of the
Galaxy. On the assumption that this star is the optical
counterpart of IGR J16207−5129, the above distance estimate
implies a 20 – 40 keV band luminosity of ~1.3 × 1034
erg s−1 (Masetti,
Pretorius, Palazzi et al. (2005)).
(SWIFT J1626.6-5156)
This transient pulsar was detected for the first time by Swift-BAT
(Palmer, Barthelmy, Cummings et al.
(2005)). Strong pulsations are detected at the ~15.37s
period from observations, with a peak-to-peak pulsed amplitude of
about 50% (RXTE PCA), weakly dependent on energy (Belloni, Homan, Campana et al. (2006)).
During the flares, the pulsed fraction increases to ~80% (RXTE
PCA); after the flare, the pulsed fraction went below its
pre-flare value (Belloni, Homan,
Campana et al. (2006)). Observational features strongly
suggest that the counterpart to this source is a Be star and hence
SWIFT J1626.6-5156 is an unusual Be/X-ray binary (Negueruela & Marco (2006)).
(AX J170006-4157, AX J1700-419, AX J1700.1-4157)
This source was discovered and observed three times between 1994
and 1997 by ASCA (Torii, Sugizaki,
Kohmura et al. (1999)). Significant pulsations with P =
714.5±0.3 s were discovered from the third observation. The
X-ray spectrum is described by a flat power-law function with a
photon index of 0.7. Although the spectrum could also be fitted by
thermal models, the obtained temperature was unphysically high.
The hard spectrum suggests that the source is a neutron star
binary pulsar similar to X Persei (4U 0352+309), but the
possibility that it is a white dwarf binary cannot be completely
excluded. Not marked as a Be-candidate in Liu, van Paradijs & van den
Heuvel (2000). Pulse fraction in the range 0.7-10 keV was
determined from the graph in paper by Torii, Sugizaki, Kohmura et al.
(AX J1700.2-4220)
An INTEGRAL source is coincident with this faint ASCA source. Masetti, Morelli, Palazzi et al.
(2006) chose a known emission-line star HD 153295 in the
INTEGRAL error box as the putative counterpart. A better position
for AX J1700.2-4220 is necessary before the association with HD
153295 (Negueruela & Schurch
(RX J1739.4-2942)
Discovered by ROSAT (Motch,
Guillout, Haberl et al. (1998)). Probably identical with GRS
(RX J1744.7-2713, HD 161103, V3892 Sgr, LS 4356) - Cas-like object
Discovered by ROSAT (Motch, Haberl,
Dennerl et al. (1997)). The luminosity was estimated for the
energy range 0.1-2.4 keV. The pulse fraction was taken from paper
by Harmon, Wilson, Fishman et al.
(2004). It has been obtained by BATSE in the range 20-40
(AX J1749.1-2733)
Discovered during surveys by ASCA in 1993–1999 (Sakano, Koyama, Murakami et al.
(2002)). AX J1749.1−2733 is a high-mass X-ray binary pulsar
with an orbital period of 185.5 ± 1.1 days and a spin
period of ~66 s, typical of a Be/X-ray binary (Zurita Heras & Chaty (2008)).
The outbursts lasts ~ 12 d. A spin down of P = 0.08 ± 0.02
s yr−1 is also observed, likely due to propeller
effect. The only optical candidate counterpart within the X-ray
error box has magnitudes of R = 21.9 ± 0.1, I = 20.92
± 0.09, J = 17.42 ± 0.03, H = 16.71 ± 0.02
and Ks = 15.75 ± 0.07, which points towards a Be star
located far away (> 8.5 kpc) and highly absorbed (NH ~1.7 × 1022
cm−2 )(Zurita Heras &
Chaty (2008)). The 22–50 keV luminosity is 0.4 − 0.9 ×
1036 erg s−1 during the long outburts with a
peak of 3 × 1036 erg s−1 during the
bright flare occurred at MJD 52891 (Zurita
Heras & Chaty (2008)). The pulse fractions reach Imax=22
± 6 and Imin=29 ± 11% (Zurita Heras & Chaty (2008)).
All the X-ray properties observed in AX J1749.1−2733 lead Zurita Heras & Chaty (2008)
to classify this object as an X-ray binary, most probably a
high-mass X-ray binary with a Be companion star and whose compact
object is a neutron star. The only optical candidate counterpart
located inside the best X-ray error box is compatible with a B
star located far in the galaxy and suffering large extinction (Zurita Heras & Chaty (2008)).
AX J1749.1−2733 seems to be an obscured Be/X-ray binary located
far away in the Galaxy.
(AX J1749.2-2725)
Discovered by ASCA (Torii,
Kinugasa, Katayama et al. (1998)). Not marked as a
Be-candidate in paper by Liu, van
Paradijs & van den Heuvel (2000).
(GRO J1750-27, AX J1749.1-2639)
GRO J1750-27 is the third of the transient accretion-powered
pulsars discovered using BATSE. A single outburst from GRO
J1750-27 was observed with BATSE (see Scott, Finger, Wilson et al. (1997)).
Pulsations with a 4.45 s period were discovered on 1995 July
29 from the Galactic center region as part of the BATSE all-sky
pulsar monitoring program (Bildsten,
Chakrabarty, Chiu et al. (1997)). An orbit with a period of
29.8 days was found by Scott,
Finger, Wilson et al. (1997). Large spin-up rate, spin
period and orbital period together suggest that accretion is
occurring from a disk and that the outburst is a "giant" one
typical for a Be/X-ray transient system.
(1XMM J180816.8-191940) - Cas-like object
(AX J1820.5-1434)
This X-ray source was discovered in 1997 by ASCA (Kinugasa, Torii, Hashimoto et al.
(1998)). Pulsations with a period
152 s were detected in the 2-10 keV flux of the source with a
pulsed fraction of
50%. The pulse fraction
is not energy dependent. Both timing and spectral properties of AX
J1820.5-1434 are typical for an accretion-driven X-ray pulsar. Israel, Covino & Polcaro (2000)
proposed O9.5-B0Ve star as an optical counterpart of the pulsar.
(1XMM J183327.7-103523, SS 397)
- Cas-like object
(1XMM J183328.7-102409, USNO
0750-13549725) -
Cas-like object
(IGR J18410-0535, AX J1841.0-0536?)
The source, IGR J18410-0535, was discovered with INTEGRAL during
Galactic Plane Deep Exposure, as it was undergoing a ~70 mCrab
flare in the 20-60 keV energy range, and 20 mCrab in the 60-200
keV range (Rodriguez, Garau,
Grebenev et al. (2004)). Halpern
& Gotthelf (2004) noted that the INTEGRAL source IGR
J18410-0535 is possibly an outburst of the transient 4.74 s X-ray
pulsar AX J1841.0-0536, which in turn was identified using Chandra
with a Be star counterpart (Halpern,
Helfand et al. (2004)).
(GS 1843+00)
The transient X-ray source GS 1843+00 was discovered during the
Galactic plane scan near the Scutum region by X-ray detectors on
board the Ginga satellite (Turner,
Thomas, Patchett et al. (1989)). Coherent pulsations with a
period of about 29.5 s were observed with a very small
peak-to-peak amplitude of only 4 per cent of the average flux.
Pulse fraction was obtained by BATSE (20-50 keV). Luminosity
estimates are the following: 1) 2 x 1036 erg s-1
(20-200 keV, 10 kpc) (Manchanda
(1999)); 2) 3 x 1037 erg s-1 (0.3-100
keV, 10 kpc) (Piraino, Santangelo,
Segreto et al. (2000)).
(2S 1845-024, GS 1843-02, 4U 1850-03, 1A 1845-02, 1H 1845-024,
3A 1845-024, GRO J1849-03)
The pulsar GS 1843-02 was discovered by Ginga in 1988 (Makino (1988)) during a galactic
plane scan conducted as part of a search for transient pulsars
(see Finger, Bildsten,
Chakrabarty et al. (1999)). The same source is known as GRO
J1849-03. X-ray outbursts occur regularly every 242 days. Finger, Bildsten, Chakrabarty et
al. (1999) presented a pulse timing analysis that shows that
the 2S 1845-024 outbursts occur near the periastron passage. The
orbit is highly eccentric (e = 0.88±0.01) with a period
of 242.18±0.01 days. The orbit and transient outburst
pattern strongly suggest that the pulsar is in a binary system
with a Be star. From the measured spin-up rates and inferred
luminosities Finger, Bildsten,
Chakrabarty et al. (1999) concluded that an accretion disc
is present during outbursts.
(IGR J18483-0311)
The transient X-ray source IGR J18483−0311 was discovered with the
IBIS instrument (Ubertini, Lebrun,
Di Cocco et al. (2003))
on board the INTEGRAL satellite during observations of the
Galactic Center field. The average X-ray flux was ∼10 mCrab and ∼5
mCrab in the energy bands 15–40 keV and 40–100 keV respectively. A
possible X-ray outburst was observed on 26 April, when the X-ray
flux increased up to ∼40 mCrab (15–40 keV). Sguera, Hill, Bird et al. (2007)
reported on 5 newly discovered outbursts from IGR J18483−0311
detected by INTEGRAL. For two of them it was possible to constrain
a duration of the order of a few days. The strongest outburst
reached a peak flux of ∼120 mCrab (20–100 keV). Timing analysis of
INTEGRAL data allowed Sguera, Hill,
Bird et al. (2007) to identify periodicities of 18.52 days
and 21.0526 seconds which are likely the orbital period of the
system and the spin period of the X-ray pulsar respectively. Swift
XRT observations of IGR J18483−0311 provided a very accurate
source position which strongly indicates a highly reddened star in
the USNO–B1.0 and 2MASS catalogues as its possible optical/NIR
counterpart. The X-ray spectral shape, the periods of 18.52 days
and 21.0526 s, the high intrinsic absorption, the location in the
direction of the Scutum spiral arm and the highly reddened optical
object as possible counterpart, all favour the hypothesis that IGR
J18483−0311 is a HMXB with a neutron star as compact companion.
The system is most likely a Be X-ray binary, but a Supergiant Fast
X-ray Transient nature can not be entirely excluded.
(XTE J1858+034)
The hard X-ray transient XTE J1858+034 was discovered with the
RXTE All Sky Monitor in 1998 (Remillard,
Takeshima et al. (1998)). The spectrum was found to be hard
similar to spectra of X-ray pulsars. Observations were made
immediately after this with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA)
of the RXTE and regular pulsations with a period of
221.0±0.5 s were discovered (Takeshima,
Corbet, Marshall et al. (1998)). The pulse profile is found
to be nearly sinusoidal with a pulse fraction of ~25%. From the
transient nature of this source and pulsations they suggested that
this is a Be/X-ray binary. The position of the X-ray source was
refined by scanning the sky around the source with the PCA (Marshall, Lochner, Santangelo et al.
(1998)). From the RXTE target of opportunity (TOO) public
archival data of the observations of XTE J1858+034, made in 1998,
Paul & Rao (1998) have
discovered the presence of low frequency QPOs. Pulse fraction was
obtained by RXTE (2-10 keV). WeU. Mukherjee,
Bapna, Raichur et al. (2006) have obtained a clear energy
dependence of the RMS variation in the QPOs, increasing from about
3% at 3 keV to 6% at 25 keV. The X-ray pulse profile is a single
peaked sinusoidal, with pulse fraction increasing from 20% at 3
keV to 45% at 30 keV (Mukherjee,
Bapna, Raichur et al. (2006)).
(XTE J1859+083)
The X-ray source XTE J1859+083 was discovered by Marshall et al. (1999) in
observations made with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE)
Proportional Counter Array (PCA) in 1999. Marshall et al. (1999) found
pulsations at a period of 9.801 ± 0.002 s. The transient
nature of XTE J1859+083 and its pulsations suggest that it might
be a member of the Be/neutron star binary class of objects. A
60.65 day period would be consistent with the orbital period
expected for a Be star system containing a 9.8 s X-ray pulsar
based on the correlation between orbital and pulse periods for
this type of system (Corbet,
in´t Zand, Levine & Marshall (2009)).
(4U 1901+03)
4U 1901+03 was detected in outburst by Uhuru and Vela 5B in
1970–1971 (Forman, Tananbaum &
Jones (1976); Priedhorsky
& Terrell
(1984)). Galloway, Wang &
Morgan (2005) described observations of the 2003 outburst of
this source with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. Proportional
Counter Array (PCA) observations over the 5-month duration of the
2003 outburst revealed a 2.763 s pulsar in a 22.58 d orbit. Galloway, Wang & Morgan (2005)
suggested that the surface magnetic field strength of the neutron
star is below ~ 5 × 1011 G. The neutron star in
4U 1901+03 probably accretes from the wind of a main-sequence O-B
star, like most other high-mass binary X-ray pulsars. The almost
circular orbit (e = 0.036) confirms the system’s membership in a
class of wide, low-eccentricity systems in which the neutron stars
may have received much smaller kicks as a result of their natal
supernova explosions (Galloway, Wang
& Morgan (2005)). Pulse fraction was obtained with the
Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. The fractional pulse amplitude varied
over the outburst, and was generally between 4 and 22% (Galloway, Wang & Morgan (2005)).
(1H 1936+541)
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)). DM +53 2262 (Be star) is a proposed
optical counterpart of this X-ray source. It has never been
observed by imaging X-ray telescopes since its detection during
the HEAO-1 survey. Observations by Torrejon
& Orr (2001) with BeppoSAX also showed negative results.
This lack of detection does not exclude its nature as a Be/X-ray
binary because it could be in a quiescent state usually found in
many Be/X-ray systems (Torrejon
& Orr (2001)).
(XTE J1946+274, GRO J1944+26, 3A 1942+274, SAX J1945.6+2721)
Pulse fraction obtained by Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment -
IXAE (2-18 keV). Coburn, Heindl,
Rothschild et al. (2002) present a data on cyclotron feature
in the spectrum of XTE J1946+274 which corresponds to the
field ~3.9 × 1012 G. Wilson, Finger, Coe & Negueruela
(2003) propose a distance 9.5±2.9 kpc basing on a
correlation between measured spin-up rate and flux.
(GRO J1948+32, GRO J2014+34, KS 1947+300)
This transient X-ray source was discovered in 1989 during the
observations of the Cyg X-1 region by the TTM telescope aboard the
Kvant module of the Mir space station (Borozdin,
Gilfanov, Sunyaev et al. (1990)). The flux recorded from it
was 70±10 mCrab in the energy range 2-27 keV. In 1994 the
BATSE monitor discovered the X-ray pulsar GRO J1948+32 with a
period of 18.7 s in the same region (Chakrabarty, Koh, Bildsten et al.
(1995)). Galloway, Morgan
& Levine (2004)] presented results which can indicate a glitch in that system.
Based on the behavior of the pulsation period during the outburst
of 2000-2001, they determined the parameters of the binary: the
orbital period Porb = 40.415±0.010 d and
the eccentricity e = 0.033±0.013. The optical
counterpart is a B0 Ve star. Tsygankov
& Lutovinov (2005) estimated the magnetic field strength of the pulsar ~2.5 x 1013
G, and the distance to the binary d = 9.5±1.1 kpc. The
pulse fraction depends on the source's intensity, the orbital
phase and the energy range (Tsygankov
& Lutovinov (2005)).
(EXO 2030+375, V2246 Cyg)
EXO 2030+375 was discovered in 1985 May with EXOSAT satellite
during a large outburst phase (Parmar,
White, Stella et al. (1989)). This outburst was first
detected at a 1-20 keV energy band and its luminosity is close to
the Eddington limit (assuming 5 kpc distance to the source) for a
neutron star (Parmar, Stella, Ferri
& White (1985)). The X-ray emission of the transient
pulsar EXO 2030+375 is modulated by
42 s pulsations and periodic
46 days Type I
outbursts, that are produced at each periastron passage of the
neutron star, i.e. when the pulsar interacts with the disk of the
Be star. Wilson, Fabregat &
Coburn 2005) presented results of observations of transition
to global spin-up in this source somewhen between between June
2002 and September 2003. The source is not marked as a
Be-candidate in Liu, van Paradijs
& van den Heuvel (2000). Pulse fraction was obtained by
BATSE in the range 30-70 keV (see Harmon,
Wilson, Fishman et al. (2004)). See a detailed description
in paper by Wilson, Finger, Coe et
al. (2002).
(RX J2030.5+4751, SAO 49725) - Cas-like object
Discovered by ROSAT (see Motch,
Haberl, Dennerl et al. (1997)). This object is marked as a
likely Be/X-ray candidate in Liu,
van Paradijs & van den Heuvel (2000), but not in many
other papers. The pointing data show that the X-ray source is
relatively hard. The Lx/Lbol ratio is close to 3 x 10-6. This is rather strong
evidence in favor of an accreting compact object around SAO 49725
(Motch, Haberl, Dennerl et al.
(GRO J2058+42, CXOU J205847.5+414637?)
GRO J2058+42 is a transient 198 s X-ray pulsar. It was
discovered by BATSE during a "giant" outburst in 1995 (see Wilson, Finger, Harmon et al. (1998)).
The pulse period decreased from 198 to 196 s during the 46
day outburst. BATSE observed five weak outbursts from GRO J2058+42
that were spaced by about 110 days. The RXTE All-Sky Monitor
detected eight weak outbursts with approximately equal durations
and intensities. GRO J2058+42 is most likely a Be/X-ray binary
that appears to produce outbursts at periastron and apastron. The
optical counterpart to GRO J2058+42 has been identified with a
V=14.9 O9.5-B0IV-Ve star located at a distance of ~ 9 ± 1
kpc (Reig, Negueruela,
Papamastorakis et al. (2005)). After a period of high X-ray
activity (1995-2002) GRO J2058+42 entered a quiescent phase in mid
2002 that continues up to the present. The Chandra observations of
February 2004 failed to detect pulsations and estimated the
unabsorbed 2–10 keV flux to be (3 − 9) × 1033 erg
s−1(Reig, Negueruela,
Papamastorakis et al. (2005)). No X-ray source was present
in the error circle in archival ROSAT observations (Wilson, Finger, Harmon et al. (1998)).
Wilson, Weisskopf, Finger et al.
(2005) have suggested that GRO J2058+42 and CXOU
J205847.5+414637 are the same source. Pulse fraction was obtained
by BATSE in the range 20-70 keV (see Harmon,
Wilson, Fishman et al. (2004) for details).
(SAX J2103.5+4545)
SAX J2103.5+4545 is a transient HMXB pulsar with a ~358 s pulse
period discovered with the WFC on-board BeppoSAX during an
outburst in 1997 (Hulleman, in 't Zand
& Heise (1998)). Its orbital period of 12.68 days and
eccentricity of 0.4 ± 0.2 have been found with the RXTE
during the 1999 outburst (Baykal,
Stark & Swank (2000)). The likely optical counterpart, a
Be star with a magnitude V=14.2, has been recently discovered (Reig & Mavromatakis (2003)).
During the outburst in 1999 Baykal,
Stark & Swank (2002) for the first time observed with
RXTE a transition from the spin-up phase to the spin-down regime,
while the X-ray flux was declining. Inam,
Swank & Stark (2004) observed a soft spectral component
(blackbody with a temperature of 1.9 keV) and a transient 22.7 s
QPO during a XMM-Newton observation performed in 2003. They
estimated the magnetic field of the neutron star to be ~ 7 ×
1012 G. INTEGRAL observations provided the first
broad-band spectrum and showed significant emission up to 150 keV (Blay, Reig, Martínez-Nunez et
al. (2004)). The pulsed fraction increases with energy from
~ 45% at 5-40 keV to ~ 80% at 40-80 keV (Falanga, di Salvo, Burderi et al.
(GS 2138-56, Cep X-4, V490 Cep, 1H 2138+579, 4U 2135+57, 3A
The X-ray source Cep X-4 was discovered with a transient high
level X-ray flux in 1972 by OSO-7 (Ulmer,
Baity, Wheaton et al. (1973)). The source was not detected
again till 1998 when a new outburst was detected by GINGA. During
these observations coherent 66 s pulsations were discovered
revealing an X-ray pulsar with a complex X-ray spectrum including
a possible 30 keV cyclotron absorption feature (Koyama, Kawada, Tawara et al. (1991);
Mihara, Makishima, Kamijo et al.
(1991)). Cep X-4 has been associated with a Be star that
lies within the ROSAT error box. A cyclotron line was detected by
Mihara, Makishima, Kamijo et al.
(1991), it corresponds to the magnetic field B = 2.3 x 1012
(1+z) G. Pulse fraction strongly depends on energy and is highly
variable with time from nearly 0 up to >80% (see Wilson, Finger & Scott 1999)).
The RXTE pulse fraction is decreasing with intensity.
(1H 2214+589)
Detected by HEAO1 (Wood, Meekins,
Yentis et al. (1984)). This object is mentioned in Liu, van Paradijs & van den
Heuvel (2000) as a Be-candidate. However, it is not
mentioned in many lists of Be/X-ray systems (for example in Ziolkowski (2002)). Not much is
known about this source.
(3A 2237+608, SAX J2239.3+6116, SAX J2239.2+6116, 3U 2233+59,
4U 2238+60)
Discovered by BeppoSAX (see in't
Zand, Swank, Corbet & Markwardt (2001)). SAX
J2239.3+6116 is an X-ray transient which often recurs with a
periodicity of 262 d (in't Zand,
Halpern, Eracleous et al. (2000)). Because of the Be-star
nature of the likely optical counterpart the periodicity may be
identified with the orbital period of the binary. Pulse fraction
was determined from the graph in in't
Zand, Swank, Corbet & Markwardt (2001) as (Imax - Imin)/(Imax+Imin).
It corresponds to the energy range ~1-10 keV.
Lmax corresponds to the distance 4.4 kpc and
the highest flux 10-9 erg cm-2 s-1
in the energy range 2-28 keV (in't
Swank, Corbet & Markwardt (2001)).
MWC 656
(HD 215227)
This X-ray source is the first binary system at a distance of 2.6
± 0.6 kpc composed of a Be star and a black hole (Casares, Negueruela, Ribo et al.
(2014)). MWC 656 is a Be star located within the error box
of the point-like γ–ray source AGL J2241+4454 (Lucarelli, Verrecchia, Striani et al.
(2010)). Casares, Negueruela,
Ribo et al. (2014) obtained orbital elements for MWC 656 and
updated the spectral classification of the Be star to B1.5–B2 III,
which implies a Be mass in the range 10–16 M⊙ and a BH companion
of 3.8–6.9 M⊙. The total X-ray luminosity is Lx =
(3.7±1.7)×1031 erg s-1 in the
0.3–5.5 keV band. This luminosity represents (6.7 ± 4.4)
× 10−8 LEdd for the estimated range of BH
companion masses (Munar-Adrover,
Paredes, Ribó et al. (2014)).