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Galactic Sources and
Table 7 represents the full
matrix of stages of binary stars in a model spiral galaxy with the total
mass of matter in stars of
(flat spectrum),
and Lyne and Lorimer's distribution for kick velocities (equation 7.4.2)
km s
(which gives the transverse velocity distribution for modeled pulsars best-fitting
Lyne and Lorimer (1994)[132]
data; Figure 24). The flat initial mass
ratio spectrum was chosen because it is currently the most popular among
researchers (e.g. Tutukov and Yungelson (1993b)[197];
Pols and Marinus (1994)[163])
and to which many physically reasonable assumptions about the initial mass
ratio leads (say, both masses obeying a Salpeter-like power law, or the
total binary mass and mass of the primary obeying Salpeter's law, etc.).
The rows and columns of Table 7 correspond to the evolutionary states of the primary and the secondary binary component, respectively. Numbers less than unity are given in parentheses indicating that the corresponding binary state occurs quite rarely in the Galaxy; the dots mean that no such system was formed during a typical computational run of 1 million initial binaries.