Popov S.B.,
``On the nature of the compact X-ray source inside RCW 103''
Astron. Astrophys. Transact., v. 17, p. 35-40, 1998
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E.
``ROSAT X-ray sources and exponential field decay in isolated neutron
A&A V.357, p. 164 2000
Popov S.B., M. Colpi, Prokhorov M.E., A. Treves, R. Turolla
``Log N -- Log S distributions of accreting and cooling isolated
neutron stars''
ApJ 544, L53 2000
Prokhorov M.E., Popov S.B., Khoperskov A.V.
``Period distribution of old accreting isolated neutron stars''
A&A Vol 381, pp. 1000-1006 (2002)
Prokhorov M.E., Popov S.B.
``Close young isolated black holes''
Astronomy Letters Vol. 28, pp. 609-615 (2002)
Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal Vol. 28, pp. 609-615 (2002) (in Russian)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E.
``Evolution of isolated neutron stars in globular clusters: number
of Accretors''
Astr. Astroph. Trans. vol. 21, 217-221 (2002)
Popov S.B., Colpi M., Prokhorov M.E., Treves A., Turolla R.
``Young isolated neutron stars from the Gould Belt''
A&A vol. 406, pp. 111-117 (2003), astro-ph/0304141
I. Bombaci, S.B. Popov
``On the nature of bimodal initial velocity
distribution of neutron stars''
A&A vol. 424, pp. 627-633 (2004).
Popov S.B.,Turolla R., Prokhorov M.E., Colpi M., Treves A.
``Young close-by neutron stars: the Gould Belt vs. the Galacic disc''
Ap&SS vol. 299, pp. 117-127 (2005) (astro-ph/0305599)
S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov
``Trans-sonic propeller stage''
Astron. Astroph. Transactions vol. 24, pp. 17-23
S.B. Popov, H. Grigorian, R. Turolla, D. Blaschke
``Population synthesis as a probe of neutron star thermal evolution''
A&A Vol. 448, pp.327-334 (2006)
S.B. Popov, B.E. Stern
``Soft gamma repeaters outside the Local group''
MNRAS vol. 365 pp. 885-890 (2006)
S.B. Popov, R. Turolla, A. Possenti
``A tale of two populations: Rotating Radio Transients and X-ray Dim Isolated
Neutron Stars''
MNRAS Letters (2006)
V.M.Malofeev, O.I. Malov, D.A.
Teplykh, S.V. Logvinenko, I.I.
Litvinov, S.B. Popov
`Discovery of radio emission from X-ray pulsar XDINS 1RXS
ATel 798 (2006)
S.B. Popov, H. Grigorian, D. Blaschke
`Neutron star cooling constraints for color superconductivity in hybrid
Subm. to Phys. Rev. C.
Preprints MPG-VT-UR 267/05, JINR-E2-2005-219
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E.
``Magnetic fields of isolated neutron stars: evidence for decay''
Izvestiya Academii Nauk (Seriya Fizicheskaja), V. 67 N3, pp. 317-321
(in Russian)
Popov S.B., Colpi M., Treves A., Turolla R., Lipunov V.M., Prokhorov
``Population synthesis of old neutron stars in the Galaxy''
Proceedings of IAU Symposium 195, p. 181
S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov
"ROSAT X-ray sources and exponential field decay in isolated
neutron stars"
Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Strong Magnetic Fields in Neutrino Astrophysics
(Eds. A.V. Kuznetsov, N.V. Mikheev, A.Ya. Parkhomenko) p. 169-178, 2000
S.B. Popov and M.E. Prokhorov
"ROSAT X-ray sources and exponential field decay in isolated
neutron stars "
Astron. Astroph. Transactions Vol. 19 pp.479-484 (2000)
S.B. Popov, M. Colpi, R. Turolla, A. Treves, V.M. Lipunov, M.E. Prokhorov
"Population synthesis of old neutron stars in the Galaxy"
Astron. Astroph. Transactions Vol. 19 pp. 471-478 (2000)
S.B. Popov
``Nature of the compact X-ray source in supernova remnant RCW103 and
related problems''
A & SS Vol. 274, Issue 1/2, pp. 285-290 (2000)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E., M. Colpi, A. Treves, R. Turolla, V.M. Lipunov
``Isolated neutron stars in the Galaxy''
Proceedings of the conference "Hot points in Astrophysics" pp.169-175,
Dubna, 2000
Popov S.B., M. Colpi, Prokhorov M.E., A. Treves, R. Turolla
``Dim ROSAT isolated neutron star candidates: old accretors or young
Astr. Astroph. Trans. Vol. 20, pp. 685-699 (2001)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E.
``Restrictions on parameters of power-law magnetic field decay for
accreting isolated neutron stars''
Astr. Astroph. Trans. Vol. 20, pp. 635-642 (2001)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E.
``Magnetic fields of isolated neutron stars: evidence for decay''
Odessa Astr. Publ. V.14, pp.224-226 (2001)
S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov
``Constrains on parameters of magnetic field decay for accreting
isolated neutron stars''
Surveys in High Energy Physics Vol. 15, pp. 381-397 (2001)
Treves A. Popov S.B., M. Colpi, Prokhorov M.E., R. Turolla
``The Magnificent Seven: Close-by Cooling Neutron
Stars ?''
Proceedings of "X-ray astronomy 2000",
Eds. R. Giacconi, L. Stella, S. Serio; ASP Conf. Series,
San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
Vol. 234, p.225-230
Popov S.B.
``Evolution of isolated neutron stars''
NATO ASI series. II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Eds. M.M. Shapiro,
T. Stanev and J.P. Wefel. Vol 44, pp.101-111 (2001)
Prokhorov M.E., Popov S.B.
``Where can we search for isolated black holes?''
Proceedings of the 31th Winter School "Physics of Space",
Urals State University Publ. (Ekaterinburg),
Eds. P.E. Zakharova et al., pp. 80-90 (2002) (in Russian)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E., Colpi M., Treves A., Turolla R.
``Young close isolated compact objects''
Gravitation & Cosmology v. 8, Suppl. II
pp. 133-136 (2002)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E., Khoperskov A.V., Lipunov V.M.
``Stochastic spin evolution of neutron stars''
Grav. and Cosmology v.8, Suppl, pp.186-189 (2002)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E., Colpi M., Treves A., Turolla R.
``Young compact objects in the solar vicinity''
Proceedings of the "Third International Sakharov Conference on Physics",
A.Semikhatov et al. (eds.), Scientific World,
Moscow, Russia, pp. 420-429, 2002 (astro-ph/0210688)
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E., Colpi M., Treves A., Turolla R.
``Young compact objects in the solar vicinity''
In: Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Proceedings of the 13th Course
of the International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, held in Erice,
Italy, 2-14 June 2002. Edited by Maurice M. Shapiro, Todor Stanev, and John
P. Wefel. New Jersey, NJ: World Scientific Publishing, 2004., pp. 101-112
S.B. Popov
``On the mechanism of low-mass compact object formation''
S.B. Popov, A. Treves, R. Turolla
``Radioquiet isolated neutron stars: old and young, nearby and far away, dim
and very dim''
proceedings of the 4th AGILE workshop, Eds. M. Tavani, A. Pellizzoni, and S.
Vercellone. Aracne Editrice (2004), pp.183-194,
S.B. Popov
``Age-Distance diagram for close-by young neutron stars''
S.B. Popov, H. Grigorian, R. Turolla, D. Blaschke
``Log N -- Log S distribution as a new test for cooling curves of
neutron stars''
(in press)
S.B. Popov
``Soft gamma repeaters and starforming galaxies''
M.E. Prokhorov, S.B. Popov
``Trans-sonic propeller stage''
To be published
in proceedings of the Gamov Memorial International Conference.
S.B. Popov
``Close by Compact Objects and Recent Supernovae in the Solar Vicinity''
In proceedings of the International School of Cosmic Ray
Astrophysics, 14th Course: "Neutrinos and Explosive Events in the
Eds. M.M. Shapiro, T. Stanev, J.P. Wefel, NATO Science Series, II.
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Vol. 209, pp.119-130 (2005)
I. Bombaci, S.B. Popov
``On the bimodality of the kick velocity distribution of radio pulsars''
Proceedings of the conference "Supernovae as cosmological lighthouses",
Published by The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP Conference
Series). Vol. 342, pp. 433-434. Eds. Turatto, Massimo; Benetti, Stefano;
Zampieri, Luca; Shea, William (2005).
S.B. Popov, H. Grigorian, R. Turolla, D. Blaschke
`Log N -- Log S distribution as a new test for cooling curves of
neutron stars''
eds. T. Bulik, B. Rudak, G. Madejski, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol 801.
pp. 316-317 (2005)
Popov S.B.
``Method of estimating distances to X-ray pulsars and their magnetic
Astr. Astroph. Transactions Vol. 19, pp. 191-195 (2000)
Lipunov V.M., Popov S.B.
``Magnetic fields of neutron stars in X-ray pulsars''
Astr. Astroph. Trans. Vol.19, pp. 859-868 (2001)
S.B. Popov
``On the evolutionary states of neutron stars in pre-low-mass X-ray
A&A vol. 418, pp. 699-703 (2004).
S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov
``Formation of massive skyrmion stars''
A&A vol. 434, pp. 649-655 (2005)
S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov
``Magnetars origin and progenitors with enhanced rotation''
MNRAS Vol. 367, pp. 732-736 (2006)
N.V. Raguzova, S.B. Popov
`Be/X-ray binaries and candidates: catalogue''
Astron. Astroph. Transactions Vol. 24, pp. 151-185 (2005)
On-line version
Lipunov V.M., Popov S.B.
``Neutron stars in X-ray pulsars and their magnetic fields''
Grav. and Cosmology (proc. of COSMION-99)
v.6 Suppl. p.219 (2000)
Colpi M., Possenti A., Popov S.B., Pizzolatto F.
``Spin and magnetism in old neutron stars''
in "Physics of Neutron Star Interiors",
ed. D. Blaschke, N.K. Glendenning and A. Sedrakian (Springer, 2001),
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 578, pp.440-467
Popov S.B., Prokhorov M.E.
"Astrophysics of isolated neutron stars: radioquiet neutron stars and
Trudy GAISH (Sternberg Astronomical Institute Transactions)
vol. 72, pp. 1-84 (2003) [in Russian]
S.B. Popov, M.E. Prokhorov
``Population synthesis in astrophysics''
In the proceedings of the School "Hot points in astrophysics and
cosmology" (Dubna, 2004), pp. 230-260
S.B. Popov, R.Turolla
``Isolated neutron stars: An astrophysical perspective''
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop On Superdense QCD
Matter and Compact Stars, 27 Sep - 4 Oct 2003, Yerevan, Armenia,
NATO Science Series. II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Eds. D.
Blaschke and D. Sedrakian. Vol. 197, pp. 53-72 (2006).
Prokhorov M.E., Popov S.B.
``Population synthesis in astrophysics''
Proceedings of the 34th Winter School "Physics of Space", Urals State
University Publ. (Ekaterinburg), Eds. P.E. Zakharova et al., pp. 141-160
(2005) (in Russian)
On-line version (in Russian)