General Scientific Topics:
- Physics of the Early Universe (Chair:Starobinsky A.A.,Chervon S.V.)
- Multidimensional Cosmology (Chair:Melnikov V.N., Ivaschuk V.D.)
- Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology (Chair:Barvinsky A.O.)
- CosmoParticle Physics (Chair:Khlopov M.Yu.)
- Large Scale Structure of the Universe (Chair:Lukash V.N.)
- Modern Extensions of General Relativity (Chair:Gal'tsov D.V., Alexeyev S.O.)
Invited Lecturers and Plenary Speakers of UISS-2000:
- Sazhin M.V. Modern Status of CMBR Investigations
- Starobinsky A.A. Physics of the Early Universe
- Zhuk A.I. Multidimensional Cosmology
- Barvinsky A.O. Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology (to be confirmed)
- Khlopov M.Yu. CosmoParticle Physics
- Lukash V.N. Large Scale Structure of the Universe
- Gal'tsov D.V. Modern Extensions of General Relativity
- Chervon S.V. Standard and Chiral Inflationary Models
- Gurovich V.Ts. (to be confirmed)
- Varshalovich D.A. (to be confirmed)
- H.-J. Schmidt Cosmology Consequences of R2 terms in Lagrangians
(to be confirmed)
- Parijskij Yu.N. Gene of the Universe (to be confirmed)
- Alexeyev S.O. New Ideas in Black Hole Physics