The second International School-Seminar 'Problems of Theoretical Cosmology UISS-2000'

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Ulyanovsk State University
Sternberg Astronomical Institute
Russian Gravitational Society
Sep.11 Sep.12 Sep.13 Sep.14 Sep.15 Sep.16-17 Sep.18 Sep.19 Sep.20 Sep.21

September 13

8:00-10:50 Lectures:

    8:00 M.V. Sazhin. Modern Cosmology
    9:30 A.A. Kirillov. Some Aspects of the Quantum Cosmology.

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-14:00 Plenary Talks:

    11:30 O.B. Zaslavsky. Black hole thermodynamics: modern approaches.
    12:20 V.D. Ivashchuk. P-Brane Black Hole Solutions for General Intersections.
    13:00 V.A. Berezin. Quantum Black Holes Models.

14:00-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17:30 Workshops. Section II: Multidimensional Cosmology (Chair: V.D. Ivashchuk):

    M.A. Grebeniuk. On Some Cosmological Models with Fields of Forms
    A.V. Toporensky. Non-singular cosmological models in string gravity with second order curvature corrections.

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

15:00-17:30 Workshops. Section III: Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology (Chair: V.A. Berezin):

    S.S. Kokarev. Classical Mechanics as the Theory of 4-D Bars Deforming
    A.K. Guts, M.S. Shapovalova. Quantum Time-fluctuations
    M.L. Fil'chenkov. Tunnelling Models of Universe Creation and Collapse
    V.G. Krechet, G.N. Shikin, M.L. Fil'chenkov. Nonlinear Spinor Fields in Quantum Cosmology

17:30 Cultural Program

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